Oct 10th 2017

What's New for the National Farm Toy Show from ERTL

Greetings from Dyersville.

I can’t believe it’s already early October. Harvest time is starting here in Northeast Iowa. Our hot temps and dry conditions have given some farmers the green light to get started. Our neighbor started last week. The dry conditions must have also caused a deer to decide to eat and destroy one of my new apple trees. We’ll see if it comes back in the spring. If not, I may have to give one of them their Miranda rights.

It was also time to do some yard work and get some tree trimming done. My old Ford 860 is still up to the task of helping around the farm. This is a 1955 model. I’m amazed how well this old tractor works being over 60 years old. What other 60 year old equipment do you still use on a regular basis? They were definitely built to last. Ford is celebrating 100 years of tractors in 2017. It’s hard to believe the original Fordson tractor came out in 1917. Ford is also celebrating 100 years of producing pickup trucks. It doesn’t get any better than pickup trucks and tractors!!

Switching to news about new toys, we have several fun items that are due out soon. In 1/32nd and 1/64th scale you will be seeing new Versatile 610 4WD tractors. Versatile tractors have a new look for 2017 and we’ll be showing new models at the National Farm Toy Show.

We’re also close to shipping our new 1/16th John Deere 5125R tractor with loader. (Stock # 45604) This tractor is made for play with a front loader and MFWD axle. In 1/32nd scale, we’re also close to shipping the new John Deere 1775NT planter. (Stock # 45585) In 1/64th scale, keep on the lookout for a new John Deere air seeder set. I can’t show you an image just yet, but it won’t be too much longer.

Until next time.

Bill Walters